Var det mennesker i World Trade Towers?

Jeg har gransket mange hundre forfalskede bilder av de to tårnene i New York. Bilder som ble tatt den dagen de forsvant i en haug av støv. Noen av de elendigste forfalskningene er av mennesker som henger ut av vinduer. Noen av dem har armer som er flere meter lange, og en kan jo undres over hvorfor de arbeidet på kontor, når de kunne vært basketseriens best betalte spillere. Dette får det eventuelt bli mer om en annen gang. Ting tar tid, og tid finnes det ikke ubegrenset tilgang på. Det vi skal se litt nærmere på denne gang er om eierne og leierne av World Trade Center hadde store problemer med å få leid ut den kolossale gulvplassen de to tårnene utgjorde. Årsaken til at jeg selv lurer på dette er tredelt. Et vitnemål fra en brannmann, et fotografi av tårnene i soloppgang, og ei offentlig liste over leietakere i forbindelse med en FOIA-sak (Freedom of Information Act/krav om opplysninger etter offentlighetslovens regler). Vi tar tårnet først.

Heissjakter og mulige aircondition-bokser men ellers tomt?

Det kan se ut for at de to tårnene på WTC sto mer eller mindre tomme fra ferdigstillelsen i 1972 fram til månedene etter det første FBI-ledete bombeangrepet i 1993, og at neste innflyttingsboom skjedde et par år før tårnene forsvant i ei støvsky utover Atlanteren.

WTT i soloppgang
Avslører soloppgangen tomme etasjer i Nordtårnet?

Her er en beskåret og oppblåst versjon:

WTT i soloppgang 2

Et slikt motlys kan få ting til å “forsvinne”, og selv de bærende stålsøylene ser nesten ut som tannpirkere, så bildet beviser ingen ting i seg selv. Med det sagt, så er det liten tvil om at de etasjene vi har best oversikt over på bildet ser særdeles tomme ut, og det bringer oss videre til brannmann Jay.

Brannmann Jay Jonas: – Hvor ble det av alt sammen som skulle rast over oss?

Det andre er vitnemålet til brannmannen Jay Jonas. Han og 15 andre brannmenn overlevde i trappeoppgangen under lobbyen.

Fire hundre meter bygning var borte. De ble ikke knust. Det som skulle være verdens største kontorbygning hadde ikke klart å produsere et eneste synlig bevis på kontormateriale. “Ikke et skrivebord eller stol, ingen telefon, bare en hel haug av ingenting.”

World Trade Towers ingen suksess – stort sett tom brakke?

Om det dreier seg om brødrene Salomon , Rockefeller, eller Silverstein, det spiller liksom ingen rolle. WTC-baronene har til sammen så mange svin på skogen (fornærmelsen er bevisst), at en kunne fylt et bibliotek med bøker om dem og deres handlinger. Tenk dere at man skaper 1000 falske identiteter, ansetter disse ikke-eksisterende personene i et ikke-eksisterende kontorlandskap i et av tårnene, og etterpå, etter at tårnene har rast, får utbetalt i snitt to millioner dollar i erstatning pr. ikke-eksisterende person. Jeg innrømmer at jeg aldri har studert dette stoffet i dybden, men litt har jeg gravd i materialet de siste årene. Jeg skal sitere litt fra to forskjellige nettsider, men for at alle skal forstå dette viktige stoffet er det ingen vei utenom å legge ned litt egeninnsats. Det er bare å følge linkene jeg legger ut, så vil det ene ta det andre, og etter ikke altfor lang tid vil dere ha fått en begynnende forståelse for et tema de færreste har nevnt i forbindelse med 11. september 2001-svindelen. Jeg kan forsikre alle om at dette er en sak som medfører realt hakeslipp. De ledige lokalene i tårnene sto stort sett tomme. Etasje etter etasje uten leietakere. Når det først dukket opp leietakere, viser det seg at leieforholdene i mange tilfeller er mer enn litt suspekte, og da tenker jeg både på leietaker og når leiekontrakten ble tegnet.

World Trade Center Occupancy FOIA * 1972-2001


*** With no budget for advertising, we are asking all of you to spread this link with as many people as possible! Please put this story up on your websites and blogs! Please make this go viral ASAP! We are already 9 years behind the 8 ball here.

The following link is to a spreadsheet that the Lets Roll Forums obtained through a FOIA request made by Dave Cole. What we requested from the Port Authority of New York New Jersey was in essence a surprise occupancy audit of the World Trade Center. What we requested;
1. A complete listing of all occupants of the world trade center, from the time they were finished to the time they went private, in 2001.
2. Listing of occupants by floor and by space
3. Listing of occupants leases, with the start and end dates of those leases.
What we received back was shocking and in no way anticipated. Please open this spreadsheet now in another browser tab, so you can have this open and go back and forth as your reading this story. (right click, open link in new tab)

LETS ROLL PRESS RELEASE: World Trade Center Occupancy FOIA * 1972-2001

(Kommentar fra Jostemikk: Denne nettsiden har forsvunnet, men er å finne hos her.)



You might be surprised to discover that floor 7 of the North World Trade Center went completely unoccupied throughout the entire life of the building and was only rented out for the first time on 11/23/1998.

Floor 7 was the floor directly above the lobby of each tower, in essence, it is floor #1, from street level. Floor 7 was prime real estate, as the rent was more expensive in the towers as you went higher. The prestige value. Thus floor 7 was far cheaper then floor 89.

For 26 years, floor 7 of the North Tower was totally vacant. From 1972 until 1998. This also means that during the 1993 bombing that this floor was completely unoccupied. Larry will touch on this in a follow up post as he spent dozens and dozens of hours scouring these sheets with regards to the 1993 bombing vs. occupancy, and it is a top notch story all in it’s own.

This long streak of unoccupancy for floor 7 would come to a halt on November 23, 1998, when LANDMARK EDUCATION CORPORATION moved into suite #118. We were told through various sources that the world trade center had occupancy issues through the years, and suppose this highlights that issue. In summary floor #7 was unoccupied for 26 years, and not a single time in those 26 years did one of the elevators crack open on that floor, except for maintenance. Imagine the very first floor above the lobby as you walk into those magnificent buildings having cold bare unfinished floors for 26 years. No lights, no activity whatsoever. A dead floor.


Sometimes when things are just so bad, a billionaire needs to step in to save the day. Word must have finally reached David Rockefeller in 1993 that his precious Twins were repulsive real estate that apparently no one wanted, so he had his Bank, BANK OF AMERICA CORP. move into floors 9 & 10 of the North Tower in October and December of 1993, some 21 years after the WTC completion ceremonies. (lines 4 & 5 on the spreadsheet)

Floor 9, Suite 901 – 10/8/1993
Floor 10, Suite 1001 – 12/5/1993

**The World Trade Center bombing happened on February 26, 1993 for your information.

So lets recap here for a moment. The North Tower (think antenna, as it is the tower with the antenna) The North Tower, floor 7, went totally unoccupied until November of 1998, 26 years of vacancy.

While floors 9-10 went totally unoccupied until late 1993, some 21 years of total vacancy, this bad spell of hard WTC luck would finally be broken by a merciful billionaire who we are told moved some of his Bank of America offices into the world trade center.

This also means that for 28 years the elevators never once stopped at floor 7 of the world trade center, and the same goes for floors 9 and 10 until late 1993. These would have been closed floors and the elevators couldn’t have even stopped, being electronically locked out. If I don’t have your attention by now, it only gets better, just give it a little more time.

Floor 11 of the North Tower went totally unoccupied until 1993, when David Rockefeller would step in again to save the day and pave the way by moving yet more Bank of America offices into the north tower. (line 11 of the WTC FOIA occupancy sheet) Please see lines 6 through 15 to see the other corporations we are told that followed David Rockefeller’s charge. 8 other companies total we are told.

We are also starting to see another pattern here, something which Larry researched and made known and will also be following up this post with. So far, during the 1993 bombing, floors 7-9-10 & 11 are unoccupied.

ALL ABOARD! Next stop – Floor 12

The elevators never stopped at floor 12 of the north tower until David Rockefeller stepped in yet again to save the day on 9/13/1993, again, after the 1993 bombing. Bank of America would be the only alleged occupant of floor 12 during the entire life of the structure. Floor 12 went totally unoccupied for 21 years. (Reference line 16 of Occupancy FOIA)

So now, at the time of the 1993 bombing, floors 7-9-10-11 & 12 were totally unoccupied. Are you wondering how long this pattern will continue?
Nobody likes being on floor 13, the unlucky floor. And it wasn’t any different at world trade north tower 1. David Rockefeller would step in to save the day yet again by moving more of his corporate offices into wtc 1, floor 13, on 4/8/1994.

And also into floor 14 on 10/7/1994. Both floors 13 and 14 went totally unoccupied and vacant until 4/8/1994, the elevators never stopping there until then, we are to presume. Also after the 1993 bombing. So far we have floors 7-9-10-11-12-13 & 14 totally unoccupied at the time of the 1993 wtc bombing. And for the better part of the life of the towers as well.


Now that I whet your appetite, and set Larry up for his following story, lets press the elevator and go back down to the lobby and stroll on over to the South Tower and take a ride up to the top this time, stopping at floors 104, where we were told AON Corp and Sandler Oneill & Partners had offices. Please scroll down to line 906 and 907 on the Occupancy FOIA.

Whats missing from this FOIA occupancy sheet? If your looking at lines 906 and 907, you should be seeing the name Sandler Oneill & Partners. Yet they are not listed. We requested in this FOIA all occupants of the world trade center, from the time they went up to the time they became private, 6 weeks prior to 9/11. Sandler Oneill & Partners are strangely absent from the list of occupants that had leases. They never had a lease. Go ahead and scour those sheets, feel free, you will not find them. The problem this raises immediately is how did 66 of their 171 employee’s perish in a buiding that they never held a lease at during the entire life of the building?

Larry discovered this. And this is the most singular significant discovery in this FOIA. A Corporation alleged to have lost 66 of its 171 employee’s that never had a lease with the NYPANJ.

The average payout from the victims compensation fund (VCF) was roughly 2 million dollars. This means at minimum Sandler Oneill and Partners «employee’s» received roughly 132 million dollars from the government VCF.

And probably a whole lot more because the average payout of the VCF was 2 million. This means some were much higher, and some much lower. The higher paid executives received more compensation the way the fund was set up. The more they made, the more their family, in theory would receive.

The strangeness certainly doesn’t end there for floor 104, WTC 1. We find on the Occupancy FOIA a corporation which isn’t listed in most, if any of the other official lists made public through the years, at wiki and such.


SHEARSON/LEHMAN BROS – Ring a bell anyone?

Many people are not aware that there was other emergency relief funds set up by the government after 911 besides the victims compensation fund. (VCF) The victim compensation fund was 7 billion dollars. There was also another much larger fund called the Business Compensation Fund. (BCF)

There is probably good reason that you weren’t aware of this fund. And that’s because of its sheer size. 38.4 billion dollars was set aside for WTC corporations by government and insurance companies. This makes the total combined worth of both government funds to be roughly 46 billion dollars. The largest recipients of these funds were of course, investment Bankers. It was a pre-cursor to the leave no bank behind act Bush and Obama would later set up. And went to many of the same corporations.

The mystery here with Shearson/Lehman of course is why they are not listed on most, or possibly any of the public lists that were peddled to us after 9/11 yet listed on this Occupancy FOIA?

See note below. Sandler Oneill is listed at wiki. To see the link it is below picture.


NOTE: Sandler Oneill and Partners are listed here at Wiki, though they are absent from the above picture.


South Tower – (No antenna) WTC 2

According the Occupancy FOIA, AON Corp occupied 8 floors total in WTC 2, South Tower. 98-105 (please reference lines 895 to 909 of the occupancy FOIA) AON shared only floors 101 – 105 with Shearson/Lehman, with Shearson/Lehman alleged to have also occupied floor 106 by itself.

Now for another jaw dropping eye opener; Lets dissect this Occupancy FOIA a different way now. Lets look at some of the high upper floors and see when the first time this prime NY office space was leased;


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21. april 2016 22:04

Mye magi her ja. Og løgn og bedrag. Det hører med når illuminati-rottene har fingrene på rattet.
Abracadabra, SIMSalabim, VicSIMS:
“Could the total amount of 9/11 casualties add up to ZERO?”
Noen få tør å stille det samme spørsmålet om 911 som jeg har gjort om 227, der er jeg ensom..

“4: Simulate the death of about 3,000 Americans allegedly “trapped in the WTC” in order to generate worldwide outrage and the ‘righteous necessity’ for retaliation (i.e. murderous wars and pillaging of key resources in foreign countries). The «3000 casualties» were, of course, essential to generate a popular consensus for war.”

Back in 2001, the general public was certainly not familiar with face-morphing technologies. Today, freely down-loadable consumer softwares will morph any face into any other with ease – no technical skills required. The 9/11 Vicsims were most likely created and multiplied with this technology. In fact, it seems they used it rather clumsily – and conservatively – sometimes applying only minor changes to a given portrait to generate – abracadabra – another picture of a same/or a different Vicsim.”

En bør stille seg noen spørsmål i forhold til de praktiske problemene som oppstår når det jukses med identiteter og deres ”dødsfall”. Dersom et av mange formål er å berike ofrenes pårørende ved høye erstatningsutbetalinger, da må jo relasjonene være reelle dersom det er et minimum av innsikt for allmennheten i dette. Hvem skal møte opp i eventuelle minnehøytideligheter for fiktive identiteter? Osv..
Bare så det er sagt, når det gjelder identitetene på dødslistene fra 227 så er de langt mer konkrete og reelle. Likevel er det juks og bedrag og forsøk på ikke så lite magi der også. Det et annet sted.

30. april 2016 00:54

Jo mer en graver(kabler?), jo fjernere blir offisielle versjoner og tall, til og med logiske slutninger (trukket på gale premisser). Ground zero ryddet på forhånd, resten er falske vitne(lack of)prov?
En eventyrfortelling avslører resten av historiene? (advarer mot parodiske tendenser):
9/11 Remembrance: only known survivor from Trade Center impact zone pays tribute to God’s grace
September 8, 2011
His song of protection – Psalm 91:1

Publikums unødvendige, men sionistisk symbolske blodoffer:
“The events confirmed something that people in the blood business had long known but nevermanaged to communicate to the public: Mass appeals for blood after a crisis may soothe oursense of wounded nationhood and answer a need for community action; but as a public healthresponse, the practice is useless–or worse”
“Dr. Jones reacted typically for a blood banker as the tragedy unfolded. «When I saw those buildings go down, the first thing I thought was: We’re not going to need any blood for this. Nobody’s going to survive.» Nonetheless, he immediately dispatched 600 units of red cells to area hospitals, the bulk of which was never used. As the lines of donors snaked around the block, he put out an announcement: The center would only take blood from people with type O, the «universal» donors; everyone else should go home. But no one left. As thousands of donors moved through the system, centers throughout the city began running short on supplies like blood bags and testing reagents”

“Quite simply, there were NO injured – because the WTC complex was an empty/fully evacuated area – therefore NO ONE got hurt. You know, when you plan to demolish buildings, people are NOT supposed to hang around anywhere near those buildings. It is just common safety measures to NOT LET ANYONE INTO A DEMOLITION AREA. This is the way it has always been – for EVERY PROFESSIONAL DEMOLITION JOB in the history of this world.”

“Isn’t it funny how, after years of 9/11 Vicsim research (and 60 long pages of this thread alone) we are now left looking at the alleged survivors – having found NO EVIDENCE for anyone of the VICTIMS to have existed? But hey – let’s assume that these survivors DO exist (and are traceable, flesh-and-bone individuals, liable to be ruled to appear in a future court of law ). In this case, we should start listing them, one by one. I suggest we start doing just that.”

“As ‘crazy’ as it may sound to newcomers to Cluesforum, our half-decade-long research has consolidated our initial suspicion that ALL EXISTING VIDEO CLIPS OF 9/11 (planes crashing, towers collapsing, wounded survivors interviews, etc…) are nothing but parts of a «Hollywood» production designed to simulate the events of that ‘fateful morning in Manhattan’. No imagery of 9/11 – NONE – can be trusted as being real depictions of the events of September 11, 2001. As long as this is not obvious to everyone, the 9/11 hoax will live on – and will be crystallized in history books according to the wishes of TV and Hollywood.

In fact, our battle here on Cluesforum is all about preventing these deceptive antics to succeed. I personally believe this is a noble endeavor – however thankless and unrewarding it may be, due to the vast masses of TV-addicted people of this world. In my mind, television is by far the most dangerous and mind-numbing ‘drug’ of our times – and much more so than what the common man is willing to admit.
But let’s keep up our efforts – I’m sure we’re onto some giant leaps for mankind!”
Anbefaler hele tråden:

Her er en antydning på den røde tråden som forklarer min påstand om ned mot null victims 227, resten er vicsims:
Små og store skader er et annet tema. Et tredje tema: ansatte i bygningene med munnkurv om tomme bygninger men fulle tilfluktsrom før smellet?

30. april 2016 10:13

Back in 2001, the general public was certainly not familiar with face-morphing technologies. Today, freely down-loadable consumer softwares will morph any face into any other with ease – no technical skills required. The 9/11 Vicsims were most likely created and multiplied with this technology. In fact, it seems they used it rather clumsily – and conservatively – sometimes applying only minor changes to a given portrait to generate – abracadabra – another picture of a same/or a different Vicsim.”

Takk for denne, meget tankevekkende. Mange av disse bildene kan godtas sett hver for seg, men i sum blir det et stort problem. Vi kjenner i ettertid igjen metodene fra andre «operasjoner».

30. april 2016 10:49

Jeg har begynt å se litt på
the Vicsims Report

Den begynner med å anbefale på fritt grunnlag å se på CNNs liste over ofre.

Det første jeg gjorde var å velge tilfeldig i listen, og havnet her:
Mary Lou Keefe
Dette ansiktet virket kjent? Hadde nettopp sett på

Tilfeldigvis ligner Mary Lou Keefe på Elizabeth Waino