Sionistenes Ørnulf Ørn og sosiopatene med dobbelt statsborgerskap

Michael Chertoff er sionistenes Ørnulf Ørn. Mer av en ørn enn den mer stereotypiske hauke-karakteristikken talmud-sionistene pleier få, og med fingrene borti alt som er galt. Absolutt alt. Han er talmud-sionist med dobbelt statsborgerskap Israel/USA. En av svært mange i viktige og svært innflytelsesrike posisjoner i dagens USA.

I dette innlegget skal vi ta en nøyere titt på hvem han er og hvem han representerer, samt en del andre sosiopater som er medskyldig i en god slump av verdens ondskap.

Michael Chertoff

Ørnulf Ørn

Michael Chertoff (born November 28, 1953) was the second United States Secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush and co-author of the USA PATRIOT Act. He previously served as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, as a federal prosecutor, and as Assistant U.S. Attorney General. He succeeded Tom Ridge as United States Secretary of Homeland Security on February 15, 2005.

Since leaving government service, Chertoff has worked as senior of counsel at the Washington, D.C., law firm of Covington & Burling.[1] He also co-founded the Chertoff Group, a risk-management and security consulting company, which employs several senior officials not only from his time as Secretary of Homeland Security (like Hon. Paul A. Schneider, former deputy secretary of DHS), but also from the time of the Obama administration (like Mark Weatherford, former deputy under-secretary of DHS), as well asMichael Hayden, a former director of the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency.[2]

Michael Chertoff2
Michael Chertoff

Early life

Chertoff was born on November 28, 1953 in Elizabeth, New Jersey. His father is Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff (1915–96), a Talmud scholar and the former leader of the Congregation B’nai Israel in Elizabeth. His mother is Livia Chertoff (née Eisen), an Israeli citizen and the first flight attendant for El Al.[3] His paternal grandparents are Rabbi Paul Chertoff[4] and Esther Barish Chertoff.[5]

Chertoff went to the Jewish Educational Center in Elizabeth as well as the Pingry School.

Michael Chertoff er rett og slett en av de mektigste menn innen overvåking og etterretning, samt full overvåking av amerikanske innbyggere gjennom sin lederrolle i Homeland Security og som forfatter av The Patriot Act. Han startet selv opp Chertoff-Group, og ansatte tidligere ledere fra både NSA og CIA.

Chertoff er også hovedinitiativtager når det gjelder det omstridte kroppsskanning-prosjektet. Kanskje ikke så rart, for foruten å være talsmann for fullstendig overvåking av vanlige mennesker, har han i firmaet Chertoff-Group kunder som produserer utstyret:

Michael Chertoff has been an advocate of enhanced technologies, such as full body scanners. His consulting firm Chertoff Group (founded 2009) represents manufacturers of the scanners.

Michael Chertoff har delt statsborgerskap gjennom at moren hans var israelsk statsborger, og dessuten Mossad-agent.

Jeg undres over om det finnes eksempler på offentlige ledere i Norge som driver firmaer på si’ som får kontrakter av myndighetene?

Tilbake til Chertoff. Det er sjokkerende å se hans forbindelse med George Bush. Var det noen i hans administrasjon som ikke hadde “jødisk” opphav?

«Jøder» i Bush-administrasjonen
Elliott Abrams Director of the National Security Council’s Office for Democracy, Human Rights and International Operations
Jeffrey Berkowitz (2005-2006) White House Liaison to the Jewish Community and then office of presidential scheduling
Stuart Bernstein Ambassador to Denmark
Brad Blakeman White House Director of Scheduling
Josh Bolten (2006- ) Chief of Staff
Nancy Brinker Ambassador to Hungary and then chief of protocol for the State Department
Michael Chertoff Head of the Justice Department’s criminal division
Douglas Feith (2001-2005 ) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Ari Fleischer (2001-2003) White House Press Secretary
David Frum (2001-2002) Speechwriter
Chris Gersten Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families at HHS
Adam Goldman (2001-2003) White House Liaison to the Jewish Community
Blake Gottesman President’s personal aide
Jeremy L. Katz (2007- ) White House Liaison to the Jewish Community
Daniel Kurtzer (2001-2005) Ambassador to Israel
Frank Lavin Ambassador to Singapore
Jay Lefkowitz (2001-2004) Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council
I. Lewis Libby (2001-2005) Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Ken Mehlman White House Political Director
John Miller Director, State Departement Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
Michael Mukasey (2007- ) Attorney General
Noam Neusner (2004-2005) White House Liaison to the Jewish Community
Mel Sembler Ambassador to Italy
Martin Silverstein Ambassador to Uruguay
Cliff Sobel Ambassador to the Netherlands
Tevi Troy (2003-2004) White House Liaison to the Jewish Community
Mark D. Weinberg Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs
Ron Weiser Ambassador to Slovakia
Paul Wolfowitz (2001-2005) Deputy Secretary of Defense
Dov Zakheim (2001-2004) Undersecretary of Defense (Controller)
Jay Zeidman (2006-2007) White House Liaison to the Jewish Community

Michael Chertoff med uhyggelig makt i forbindelse med 11. september-utredningen

Michael Chertoff hadde mye av ansvaret, og skylden, for etterforskningen etter 11. september. I dette tilfellet voktet ørnen haukene, eller bukken passer havresekken. Vi ser det hele tiden, omtrent samme hva som skjer i USA. Han benytter seg av en av de styggeste argumentasjonsteknikkene som finnes de gangene han får direkte spørsmål. Dere har sett det før, og vil kjenne det igjen som en av hersketeknikkene innen AGW-svindelen eller andre viktige deler av den offentlige samfunnsdebatten. Plutselig får man Holocaustfornekter! kastet mot seg. Se selv:

Ifølge USA spilte Chertoff en hovedrolle 11. september.

Chertoff played key role on 9/11

By Kevin Johnson and Mimi Hall, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — In the minutes after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, while Attorney General John Ashcroft was rushing back from Milwaukee, Michael Chertoff was calling the shots.

Chertoff, then chief of the Justice Department’s criminal division, breached the prickly territorial lines that have long divided the Justice Department from the FBI. From a fifth-floor office at FBI headquarters, above the streams of panicked people who flooded Pennsylvania Avenue, he set up shop in the bureau’s crisis center. For the next 20 hours, he directed the government’s initial response to the most lethal terrorist attack in U.S. history.

Chertoff would spend the next two years serving as a central figure in formulating U.S. anti-terrorism policy — from the effort to secretly detain hundreds of Middle Easterners in the USA, to increasing the FBI’s authority to conduct domestic surveillance at religious gatherings and other public events.

As President Bush’s nominee to direct the Department of Homeland Security, Chertoff carries a reputation as an aggressive career prosecutor. That’s a comfort to his legions of supporters. It’s also the focus of suspicion among critics, including the American Civil Liberties Union, who say Ashcroft’s Justice Department sacrificed liberties in the name of security.
The 51-year-old son of a rabbi also represents a departure from the Bush administration’s vision of a Homeland Security chief as the nation’s public face in the war on terror.

Outgoing Secretary Tom Ridge came in as a polished politician. Bush’s first, failed pick to replace him, Bernard Kerik, was a high-profile former police commissioner in New York City. By contrast, Chertoff is a backstage operator with little regard for political niceties.

«This is a strong leader, tough as nails, and he does not suffer fools very well,» said Viet Dinh, who served with Chertoff as an assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Policy. «That said, I’ve never seen him lose his temper. Not once.»

Counting his current post as a federal appeals court judge in New Jersey, Chertoff has been confirmed by the Senate three times, including as a federal prosecutor and as assistant attorney general in the Ashcroft Justice Department. Each time, he has met little resistance.

During the most recent confirmation hearing in 2003, Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., unearthed the text of a 1992 New Jersey Law Journal article in which Chertoff wrote, «My experience has led me to respect most people, but I also know there’s a minority of people who do not deserve respect because they will not conform to the natural order of things, and I want to lock them up.»

Chertoff responded: «All sides deserve a fair hearing.»

Civil rights advocates say Chertoff’s record raises serious questions about his fitness for the job. Gregory Nojeim, associate director of the ACLU’s Washington legislative office, said Chertoff’s tenure at Justice is the most troubling. Chertoff was one of the architects of the USA Patriot Act, which provided law enforcement broader surveillance authority.

«Michael Chertoff’s record suggests that he sees the Bill of Rights as an obstacle to national security,» Nojeim said. The nomination «should spur a search of his entire record on civil liberties.»

At the Justice Department, Chertoff oversaw the work of about 800 lawyers and staffers. If he is confirmed, he will take over a 183,000-employee department that former Homeland Security inspector general Clark Kent Ervin described recently as «a huge, dysfunctional bureaucracy.»

In a series of scathing reports, Ervin outlined how the department wasted millions of dollars through shoddy accounting practices, spent lavishly on parties and employee bonuses, performed poorly on key security tests at airport checkpoints and didn’t push hard enough for the combining of federal terrorist watch lists.

The department also is undergoing an exodus of top managers. Ridge’s deputy, Adm. James Loy, is leaving on March 1. Border and transportation chief Asa Hutchinson, who is responsible for 110,000 of the department’s employees, may resign to run for elected office in Arkansas. The directors of information analysis, cybersecurity and communications also are leaving.

Ridge, a former Pennsylvania governor and congressman, won praise for establishing good relations with governors, mayors, police chiefs, CEOs and members of Congress. Homeland security experts say Chertoff will have to work to establish many of those ties.

Richard Falkenrath, a former deputy homeland security adviser at the White House, said the job would require many skills that Chertoff has not had to use previously.

In times of crisis, he will be called on to provide a reassuring face and display some political skill to manage relations on Capitol Hill and in statehouses across the nation.

In his stint as chief Republican counsel for the Senate panel that investigated the land deal known as Whitewater during the Clinton administration, Chertoff was criticized as a political partisan.
But his record also includes an extensive fight against racial profiling as a special counsel to the state Senate Judiciary Committee in New Jersey.
During his term at Justice, he was the chief legal strategist in decisions to prosecute accused al-Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui and American Taliban fighter John Walker Lindh. Moussaoui’s prosecution is pending; Lindh pleaded guilty in 2002 to aiding the Taliban and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Vi ser det samme skje igjen og igjen

Askenasi-khazarer sitter i så mange mektige posisjoner i USA at de kan trekke i de fleste trådene som styrer samfunnsutviklingen. Når de er så mektige at de kan bestemme hvem som skal bli president i det som de siste 100 årene er ansett å være verdens mektigste nasjon, hvordan tror dere det står til i miniputt-nasjoner som Norge, Sverige, Danmark osv.? Selv den som tar en nærmere titt på familierelasjonene til de sist tiårs statsministre i Storbritannia vil få seg en overraskelse. Så er da også Storbritannia i det store og hele styrt av City of London, askenasi-khazarenes høyborg i Europa.

At en Talmud-satanistisk sionistist-khazar som Michael Chertoff med klare relasjoner til Mossad/Israel og dobbelt statsborgerskap Israel/USA blir satt til å lede etterforskningen av 11. september-hendelsene er så hårreisende som noe kan bli. Foruten Bush-administrasjonen (stappfull av askenasi-khazarer) og CIA der George Herbert Walker Bush (Bush sr.) var tidligere direktør, stinker det Mossad-operasjon av hele 11.september-saken. Dette vil de komme utfyllende innlegg om senere. Nå tar vi i stedet en nærmere titt på en del av askenasi-khazarene som hadde og fortsatt har sterk innflytelse på 11.september-saken og svært mye annet som skjer i USA.

Hvem er sosiopatene bak ondskapen?

Barbara Honegger har arbeidet tett på toppolitikere og miljøet rundt.

Seven Hours in September: The Clock that Broke the Lie
By Barbara Honegger

Barbara Honegger, M.S. is Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School (1995−present), the Navy’s advanced science, technology and national security affairs university. This research, as all of Honegger’s research and publications on September 11, are solely in her capacity as a concerned private citizen and do not imply official endorsement. Honegger served as Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President and White House Policy Analyst (1981−83); was the pioneering Irangate author and whistleblower on the October Surprise (October
Surprise, Tudor, 1989; and Iran−Contra expose documentary film «Cover−Up»); and was called as a researcher/witness at both the October 23, 2004, and August 27, 2005, Los Angeles Citizens 9/11 Grand Jury hearings held at Patriotic Hall in Los Angeles, Calif. Much of the information and analysis contained in this evidence summary was
presented at the L.A. Citizens Grand Jury hearings and at the 9/11 Emergency Truth Convergence conference held at American University in Washington, D.C. in July, 2005.

Barbara Honegger har arbeidet i mange år for å få fakta fram over 11. september-saken. Dels gjennom en organisasjon med dette for øyet, dels gjennom en stor kontaktflate med personer i eller knyttet til posisjoner/stillinger de fleste bare kan drømme om.

Hun presenterer sitt stoff på en konferanse i Seattle i januar nå i år, og dette foredraget er filmet. Mesteparten av det stoffet jeg legger ut i dette innlegget er fra denne filmen. Jeg ber om unnskyldning for at så mye er tekst sitert via skjermbilde fra filmen, men det er eneste tilgang jeg har til det hun har produsert.

9/11 Pentagon Attack – Behind the Smoke Curtain – Barbara Honegger

Foruten bunnsolid dokumentasjon om hva som skjedde ved Pentagon 11. september 2001, bruker hun mye tid på hvem som sto bak det som skjedde. Det er dette jeg skal ta for meg nå. Håper dette får de som leser dette lyst til å se hele filmen. Det er anbefalt, for det er til dels oppsiktsvekkende stoff, overbevisende presentert.

Hva har skjedd i USA?

Lawrence Wilkerson

Lawrence B. «Larry» Wilkerson (born 15 June 1945) is a retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Wilkerson has criticized many aspects of the Iraq War, including his own preparation of Powell’s presentation to the UN. He appears as a frequent Republican commentator on The Ed Show with Ed Schultz on MSNBC commenting about the problems with Republican Party.

General News 11/12/2012 at 22:27:12
Lawrence Wilkerson Interview Transcript

The «Israelization of the USA, CIA lies, and; «It’s not a Coup. It’s Worse!»

Its not a coup - its worse

General Wesley Clark kalte det ikke noe verre enn et kupp, men kan kalte det så visst nettopp det. Dette har jeg tatt fra videoen jeg har linket til flere ganger tidligere.

9/11 happened. And what happened in 9/11 is we didn’t have a strategy, we didn’t have bipartisan agreement, we didn’t have American understanding of it and we had instead a policy coup in this country, a coup, a policy coup. Some hardnosed people took over the direction of American policy and they never bothered to inform the rest of us.

This country was taken over by a group of people with a policy coup, Wolfowitz and Cheney and Rumsfeld and you could name a half dozen other collaborators from the Project for a New American Century. They wanted at us to destabilize the Middle East, turn it upside down, make it under our control.

General Wesley Clark

Fra filmen:

Hvorfor 911-plottet var så grusomt - liste over resultatene

Honegger bruker mye tid på å fortelle hvem disse menneskene er. General Wesley Clark nevnte tre av dem med navn i sitatet over. Her er mer omfattende opplysninger.

911 wat not just an evil plot, it was a diabolical plot

Paul Wolfowitz. Viseforsvarsminister under forsvarsminister Donald Rumsfeld. Dobbelt statsborgerskap Israel/USA.

Sionistlista Wolfowitz

Richard Perle. Styreformann i Donald Rumfelds Defence Policy Board. Har erklært seg selv som The Prince of Darkness. Dobbelt statsborgerskap Israel/USA.

Sionistlista Richard Pearl

Dov Zakheim. Ansvarlig for finansene til Pentagon, og de mange Trillions of Dollars missing. Dobbelt statsborgerskap Israel/USA.

Sionistlista Dov Zakheim Prince of Darkness

Philip Zelikow. Ledet 9/11 Commission. (Cover Up.) Dobbelt statsborgerskap Israel/USA.

Sionistlista Philip Zelikow

Michael Chertoff. Ledet undersøkelseskommisjonen etter 9/11. Dobbelt statsborgerskap Israel/USA.

Sionistlista Michael Zhertoff

Flere sjokkerende opplysninger – hvem og hva er Strauss’ lærlinger?

Litt mer om hvem disse mennene er, og litt om filosofisk bakgrunn. Honegger kaller dem Leo Strauss’ lærlinger.

Hvem er disse neocon-menneskene - strauss lærlinger
Leo Strauss
Strauss disipler planla black flag-pearl harbor allerede på 60-tallet
Strauss mentor schmitt - knallhard kritikk av nazismen bak

Michael F. Scheuer nevner jeg igjen, og kanskje er hans uttalelser enklere å forstå nå?

Michael F. Scheuer – Wikipedia

– Al Qaida var ikke noe problem da bin Laden levde. Al Qaida er ikke noe problem nå når han er død.

  • Problemet er det jødiske samfunnet i USA som påvirker og korrumperer Kongressen.

– Amerikanske myndigheter kriger mot en fiende som ikke eksisterer.


Michael F. Scheuer (born 1952) is a former CIA intelligence officer, American blogger, historian, foreign policy critic, and political analyst. He is currently an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies and an Expert at Wikistrat.

In his 22-year career, he served as the Chief of the Bin Laden Issue Station (aka «Alec Station»), from 1996 to 1999, the Osama bin Laden tracking unit at the Counterterrorist Center. He then worked again as Special Advisor to the Chief of the bin Laden unit from September 2001 to November 2004.

Hør hva Scheuer har å fortelle iløpet av de første halvannet minuttene:


En avslutning med en presidents store hjertsukk (og advarsel)

Franklin D. Roosevelt skrev i et brev til Col. Edward Mandell House, 21. november 1933:

The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson — and I am not wholly excepting the Administration of W. W. The country is going through a repetition of Jackson’s fight with the Bank of the United States — only on a far bigger and broader basis.

Sionist-blekkspruten og Det hvite hus

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11. februar 2015 03:16

«Askenasi-khazarer sitter i så mange mektige posisjoner i USA at de kan trekke i de fleste trådene som styrer samfunnsutviklingen.»

Så rett, så rett, Jostemikk, og i denne forbindelse er det viktig å ta med at de sitter med en utrolig kontroll over skole/utdannelse. Krafser en litt i den amerikanske college/university sektoren, så finner vi askenasi-khazarer med makten der også… for ikke å glemme media.

Forøvrig, takk for nok en glimrende presentasjon!

11. februar 2015 08:55

Finnes det et eneste universitet av noen størrelse i USA som ikke har minst én askenasi-khazar i sin ledelse og/eller styre? Hvordan står det forresten til i Norge? Det er litt vanskeligere å finne det ut her, for de viktigste av dem synes å ha skjult sin bakgrunn grundig – og lenge.

12. august 2016 01:05

Husker ikke hvor jeg fikk det fra, men mener å ha hørt/lest, at «jødene» svært gjerne ønsker seg dobbelt statsborgerskap i de land (alle) hvor de stæber etter å skaffe seg posisjoner/stillinger i de ulike lands politiske myndigheter, mens de selv forbyr dobbel statsborgerskap i Israel. Dvs at folk med dobbelt statsborgerskap IKKE får bli del av Israels offisielle politiske styring. Noen som vet mer konkret om dette?

12. august 2016 11:21

Jeg mener deres viktigste tjenestemenn- og kvinner I ISRAEL, disse har IKKE og kan ikke ha dobbelt statsborgerskap med en annen stat. Det jeg vil frem til, er at zionistene mener alle vi andre må dele med dem, men de må ikke dele med oss. På samme vis som raseblandingen, vi skal alle tvinges til kulturmarxisme, og nekter vi så blir vi – oftest av «jødene» – kalt for rasister, mens de samme jøder ikke tillater blandede ekteskap i Israel (og straffer dette med flere års fengsel). Ja, de sensurerer til og med bøker om blandede ekteskap, og hevder deres identitet, kultur og homogenitet som folk må beskyttes, mens alle andre som mener det samme om sitt eget folk blir kalt for rasister.


[…] terrorkompleks og det meste av vestlig propaganda- og lyvemedia styres av sionistene (se her og her), så er det overhodet ikke overraskende at Sionist-Washington har havnet i panikkmodus over […]

8. oktober 2018 00:03

Ingen må for øvrig tro at dette pakket med dobbelt statsborgerskap er ute av maktkorridorene med en ny president:

Trump names Jewish security expert to senior intelligence post
Appointment of Samantha Ravich comes after president taps Republican Jewish Coalition board member Jeffrey Gunter for envoy to Iceland
By JTA 23 August 2018
WASHINGTON — US President Donald Trump chose as the deputy chairwoman of the intelligence advisory board a Jewish national security expert who is well known in the pro-Israel national security community.

Samantha Ravich was named to the board, which helps shape intelligence policy, on Tuesday.

Ravich, a former deputy national security adviser to vice president Dick Cheney, is a senior adviser to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, an influential hawkish pro-Israel think tank. She is also a senior adviser to the Chertoff Group, founded by Michael Chertoff, a homeland security secretary in the George W. Bush administration, and has worked with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. One of her specialties is combating extremists.

She has also worked with the pro-Israel community helping to raise money for Israel Bonds.

Ravich does not require confirmation.

9. oktober 2018 21:55

galskapen har festet kvelertak på oss alle

Så sant, Jostemikk!

«Folk flest» blant europeerne – på begge sider av Atlanteren – og selvsagt aller mest tyskerne – er så kuet og slått så ofte og hardt i huet med HoloCa$h-køllen at de ser ikke det mest opplagte, og om mulig enda mindre hvor skadelig dette er for dem/oss. Kvelertak… Ja!
Vil vi slippe lettere unna enn ukrainerne og russerne fra 1917 og de neste ti-årene? – Hvofor skulle vi det egentlig?

angela merkel ist jüdin

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Se videoene før YouTube-sensorene får teften av dem, og det skjer nok snart…