Hvorfor lytter ingen, for derigjennom å kunne lære av historien?
Hver gang en krig eller en såkalt revolusjon starter, er det de samme kreftene som står bak. De har stått bak i hundrevis av år. Egentlig mye lenger enn det også.
De som kommer for nær å avsløre dem blir drept
Et av de mer ukjente drapene de begikk, og dessverre fikk «godkjent» som selvmord, var drapet på den russiske greven Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich. Han måtte flykte etter at de gjennomførte den russiske revolusjonen og drepte tsaren og hans familie. Etter dette var han deres aller krasseste og modigste motstander. Her er fra Wikipedia om hvordan det gikk med ham. Han klarte det geniale å gasse seg selv gjennom å gape over gassrøret på hotellrommet, før han ryddig og høflig skrudde av gassen etter seg.
Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich (1858 — 22 October 1926) was a Russian Count who moved to the United States following the Bolshevik Revolution. He was a Tsarist general and white Russian loyalist. He was involved in Pan-Slavism and White Russian activism, including various chivalric orders and cultural organisations, amongst the diaspora community in America. Spiridovich is perhaps best known for authoring a book positing a concise conspiracy consisting of 300 Jewish families entitled «Secret World Government or The Hidden Hand«.
Spiridovitch was President of the Slavonic Society of Russia and of the Latino-Slavic League of Paris and Rome. Politically he was a supporter of the Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and an opponent of Bolshevism.According to Walter Laqueur:
“Count (General) Cherep-Spiridovich had his headquarters in the United States; he was even more obviously a clinical case than some of his colleagues. He introduced himself in his books as ‘The Slav Pope’, ‘The Slav Bismarck’,’The possessor of the faculty to foresee events’.”
Walter Laqueur, Russia and Germany (1965), p. 120. Laqueur does not, however, offer any evidence that Cherep-Spiridovich was a «clinical case», nor does he dispute any statements made by the Count in any of his books. He only gives his own opinion of Cherep-Spiridovich.
Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich died in Staten Island, at a hotel, with the Gas Line Pipe, stuck to his mouth-throat, as if to say that he committed suicide. The Police filed that in the only report. However, when the body was discovered at the hotel by the staff, the Gas line was shut off. No autopsy was done. There was no further investigation put into the case… He had a catholic and an orthodox funeral service.
Jeg anbefaler hans bok, som kan lastes ned her:
Blant mye annet vil dere her få se at moderne historikere og genforskere bekrefter to av hans mest bastante påstander, som samtidig var de avsløringene av historien og menneskene bak som fikk ham til å begå “selvmord”. Jeg tror ikke det er mulig å forstå noe av historien, dermed heller ikke noe av det som skjer i dag, uten å ha satt seg inn i stoffet han presenterer.
Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich satte ikke allverdens pris på askenasiske pengemagikere, talmudkabbalisme/frimureri eller hvordan de samme sto bak alle Europas blodbad.
Embassy of The United States – Oslo Norway
May 20, 2011
Ambassador White visits Hedmark – Breeding Bulls and Battle Tanks
«The afternoon was spent in Camp Rena, Norway’s newest military base and home of the Army, visiting the Telemark Batallion and Norwegian Special Forces. «